I will not buy candy yet...I will not buy candy yet .. i will not buy and eat all the Halloween candy yet before Halloween even gets here!
This one was out of this years JCS Halloween ornament issue. I made it for a Halloween exchange on HOE. I really liked all the beading on it, but discovered I am way too fussy to stitch spiderwebs. I wanted mine to match the chart exactly and kept restitching it!
Only 10 more days! How has Halloween crept up on me so fast! I'm not even done decorating yet. I'm also not ready for all the busy-ness of the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.
This piece I actually found in an antique shop. It is a quilted wall hanging with all 4 seasons on it. This is just the fall square. It obviously took a lot of work, and the border is nicely quilted too. I love good cross stitch finds, but it does make me a little sad to see someone's hard work for sale. This is done on Aida, and is obviously an older design but I still like it.
This one is another Prairie Schooler out of this years JCS ornament issue. He was quick to stitch, but I wish I had used 3 strands of black instead of 2. Up close it doesn't cover as well as I would like. The spider webs in the corner were my idea. I wanted to tie into the fabric, and couldn't find a black cat fabric I liked. It was hard to match the bluish-grey linen.
The little pumpkin pots next to it in the picture I actually found at Walmart of all places, so I have my own window-sill pumpkin patch now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
I didn't forget! Karma, my own random number generator ( and paper shredder if I gave her enough time) picked Jodi S. as my giveaway winner. Congratulations Jodi! I didn't see your email address in your profile page, if you could email me and I will get it out in the mail to you.
This was yesterday's finishing project. I actually completed the cross stitch 2 years ago, it was a really cool chart I purchased off of Etsy. I knew I wanted to do a special mat for it, day of the dead inspired. It took me about 3 hours yesterday to hand cut this. You can't see it in the picture but the paper is a black glittery card stock. Then I glued the thinner velum red paper behind it so you couldn't see the cross stitch fabric. It's hard to read in the picture, but the lettering says "here I lie, as soon shall you." My hand was so cramped from holding the exacto knife for that long it felt like I had arthritis.
It was really hard to get a good picture where you could see the details, so please ignore my dead lawn behind it. I was just happy to be able to take the picture outside in daylight. Since it doesn't snow here we have to plant different winter grass to keep the lawn green, and there just hasn't been time yet.