About Me

- blue star stitcher
- I love anything creative...I am a busy mom of three (+4 dogs, 1 bird, 1 bunny, and 1 sweet husband) who sometimes wishes I had more time/energy/talent to devote to just being creative!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Red White and Bloom

Saturday, May 28, 2011
"Glory"-finished in all it's glory!

So on to my next project. Here is my dilemma I have too many projects I want to start right now! One is already started, the Clean And Fresh piece. It's actually been started since 2006! And the worst part is is that it's a really easy piece to work on, lots of color changes, bright happy colors, and I love the design. So it should be done by now! Instead I pull it out for a few weeks each year and fumble along on it, until stashing it away for another year.

And this came in the mail with my beige thread. Come on, I couldn't just order one little skein of thread. It's Red-White-and Bloom by Country Cottage needleworks. Another summery/patriotic piece. I even dyed my own linen for it last night. I started with tea, but it didn't come out dark enough to make the whites really stand out. So I did a second round with coffee, and i'm hoping by using three strands of the white it will really pop.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend, I know i'm loving these first few days of summer before it heats up to the surface of the sun here.
P.S..... Nataly of Nataly's Needle Creations is having a blogiversary giveaway on her blog...check it out!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
BEIGE: the cruelest color

UPDATE: Thank you so much Karen for the offer of more thread. I just went and ordered it online today so hopefully by the end of the week it will be here (and theres still plenty of time to finish before July). I also ordered that Trilogy chart I mentioned a few posts back with the mermaid and crab...it's called Seaology. And FYI Roberta at Cottonwood Lane Primitaves is having a giveaway of the cutest little penny rug...check it out!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Red, Beige, and Blue

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011
I have the attention span of a carrot!

Monday, May 2, 2011
2 more stars to Glory