Mirabilia's "Santa" |
I'll warn you now this post has a bunch of pictures! I have decided to have a mini-Wipocolypse this month (am I spelling that right? I can only hope), and dig out all my smalls to finish. I found about ten, and finished 3 already this week while continuing to work on the above Santa. Luckily for me most of them had just a few stitches I needed to finish them, why did I ever put them away if I was so close to done with them? Probably because I am so easily distracted by something new to stitch....so here is my goals for this month....
Before |
After |
This one was Cricket Collection "Be Ye Thankful", the small acorn on the back of the chart. I only had the leaves to finish and the small flowers above the squirrels. And I successfully finished this one already, now to pack it away for Autumn.
Bent Creek "Eagle" |
This is another Bent Creek, from the Land That I Love chart. All I had to do on this one was add the olive branch (well and he still needs an eyeball but that will take 2 seconds to stitch on) so I am counting this as a finish!
Bent Creek "Quaker Star" |
Bent Creek "Quaker Star" Finally got the strand of WDW Navy I needed to finish, and stitched the eagle in the middle. I really like this one, and am excited to have it hung up for the 4th of July.
Glad Tidings..this one has been stalled for 2 Christmas' now. All I need to do is add the buttons and stitch the leaves. Though I think I am going to switch the leaves for something else, I want to do cardinals there, I just have to find the right size to fit.
This is Prairie Schooler of course. All I have to do on the top one is finish 4 little chicks wings, and the bottom one just needs filling in also. So close!
I don't think I ever posted this start on my blog. I was on a blogging hiatus when I stitched this one up. All it needs now is the cat tails under the M and some back-stitching and i'll have another project to be ready for display in the fall.
Two Lizzie Kate littles, I think the carrot is off of the May flip it, and obviously the bunny is from the April flip-it. All the bunny needs is his paws outlined, and the carrot just needs more dirt.
And yet another Bent Creek (gosh I stitch a lot of their stuff!) "Brown Dog" I am out of the brown I used to stitch him in, so I have to wait until it arrives in the mail to complete his cute little face. I also ordered "White Cat" to go along with this one, I think they will look cute sitting next to each other.
Tomorrow is my first day back at work (sniff sniff) wish me luck, or at least that I don't turn around and drive home before I make it in!
Miles Ran this Year: 108.86
Books Read: The Bookstore, finished Ms. Perrigrine's home for Peculiar Children
What I am Watching: Dexter (working through the seasons on Netflix), The Sessions (interesting movie with Helen Hunt), Fat Sick and nearly Dead, and Hereafter