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I love anything creative...I am a busy mom of three (+4 dogs, 1 bird, 1 bunny, and 1 sweet husband) who sometimes wishes I had more time/energy/talent to devote to just being creative!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday happy dancing!

Guess what I finished? Yep, after five years "Thine is the Trick and the Treat" is DONE!
I liked stitching this one with just the one color, but sometimes it got tedious and I wound up using this as a filler project between my other more colorful WIP's. I am so glad to move this one out of my stitching basket, and I still love the design as much as when I started it. I was lucky to buy this chart when it first came out, as now I don't think I'd be able to afford it. 

Here is what else I have been working on this week. Our "Health" board at work had sat unloved for a while since the last person in charge of it went to another department. So I took over the project, and plan to try and update it each month. This hangs in our break-room, and I tried to include not just weight loss articles, but also clippings about stress and sleep and exercise. Hopefully it will at least motivate me to be a little healthier. 

Here's what I am reading this week, and actually just finished. "Gwendy's Button Box" by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar. It was almost more of a short story, but I really liked this one. You couldn't really tell where one author's sections began and the other one ended. I love Stephen King books, so will be looking for some of Richard Chizmar's books now to see how they stack up. This one was not a typical horror story, no real monsters, but SK seems to have moved away from those lately in all of his stories. 

Here's my deal of the week. I found a few Wichelt Jobelan evenweaves at Hobby Lobby for half off, and 3 rolls of the Charles Craft evenweave for only $2 each. I am not super picky about what I stitch on, but do prefer evenweave over linen or Aida, so I was super happy to add these to my fabric stash.

And my girls wanted to dye their hair again for the summer. Their school requires uniforms and "neat" hair during the school year, so last summer we went wild and did bright pink on the ends of their hair. This year my youngest chose "mermaid" hair instead, and I think the turquoise turned out really pretty. My oldest wanted pink again, and I even did a small streak in my hair!


Julie said...

A great finish, well done.
I bet your health board will get lots of looking out with your great new set up.
Nice new hair colour girls!

Shelly said...

What a cool way to usher in summer vacation with colored hair! Great finish, also. Received the La D Da chart also. It's great and is one I had been looking for. Thanks! Stay cool or try to:)

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Love the finish!! Love the hair too!! Great deal on fabric - I love evenweave best!

Christina said...

Thine is the Trick and the Treat is amazing! I love the cat hanging upside down. A health board is such a great idea. You're right...it's not just weight loss that needs highlighting. When I was working, so many of my colleagues were suffering from managing workload and stress.
Love the girls' hair, such a fun way to 'rebel' over the summer! Lol.

butterfly said...

Congrats on your finish .
Love the girls hair lots of girls here are going pink and purple , what fun.

Brigitte said...

Such a cute finish.
And I love your daughter's mermaid hair.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations on your Happy Dance for Trick and the Treat, love this project too.
Great fabric bargains too.
Also love the bright hair. I do detest rules about hair at school. As long as they can see and tie it back for Science or Cookery, what's the issue?

Rachel said...

Love your Halloween finish!! Looks gorgeous :)

Great minds! I found some Lambswool linen on sale at HB too and added it to my basket. Looks like you found more than I did. You can never have too many linen choices in your stash :)

Have a great week!

Susana Laurencia said...

Thanks for all your efforts that you have put in this.
It's very interesting Blog...
Thank you for posting this....!


Unknown said...

congratulation. nice to j=hearing that,. thanks for sharing..


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Anonymous said...

nice work digitizing !!