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I love anything creative...I am a busy mom of three (+4 dogs, 1 bird, 1 bunny, and 1 sweet husband) who sometimes wishes I had more time/energy/talent to devote to just being creative!

Monday, June 19, 2017

My summer has been set to random mode

Here's my latest new start, Lizzie Kate "A Little Boo". I love love love the colors on this one, Halloween is kind of my thing! I hand-dyed my own fabric for this one, using RIT Pearl Gray. It doesn't show as well in my picture, but the fabric turned out nicely variegated/mottled.

 I also did some finishing this week. These two were a Hands on Design, from Just Cross Stitch (the 2016 Ornament issue, and the November? regular issue). I loved the two different fabrics sewn together, but wish I had sewn the wording further up on the bottom. I'll just keep reminding myself it's supposed to look primitive.

And another finish this week, Lizzie Kate "Liberty". These were her seasonal designs for this year. I already stitched the St. Patrick's day piece, and the Halloween one should be in my mailbox sometime this week I hope. The little button on this one was supposed to be stitched in white, but yet again my white was not showing up as well on the fabric. I liked the button, and used it on my other LK finish this week "Let Freedom Ring" also (in the bottom left of the photo below). So i'm going to do that one as a smaller matching pillow. 

 Here is what Friday night at my dining room table looked like. I pulled out all of these recent (and some not so recent) finishes, and got out my sewing machine so I could finally display them. I am stingy with my fabric sometimes, and will stitch multiple smalls on the same piece, so I have to wait to finish them until I have them all stitched. I also don't like stitching on small scraps which is why I don't cut them apart first. Below is the bottom of the ornaments I just finished, stitched in between a few of the Year in Chalk series from Hands on Design. I didn't finish any of the Year in Chalk designs yet, but really should since they should be so easy to do as a flat fold.
So that is all my random stitching for this summer. I did manage to move one more WIP off of my list. As the small WIP's get done, the list of large WIP's has started looming bigger. I think once I have made it through all of my smaller ones, I may start doing a rotation of working on one big WIP a month. Or I may just continue stitching like a hyper-active spider monkey-who knows!


diamondc said...

Oh my goodness you have been busy, love Lizzie Kates designs.
Year in Chalk is in my basket on the to do list.


Rachel said...

Great progress!!! Can't wait to see all your 'finishes'

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great finishing work! I've been trying to fully finish one project per week this year. It's a bit hit and miss!
Love the Chalk series, you must get those done next.
I always seem to stitch on small scraps of fabric. I hate "wasting" margins LOL

Astrids dragon said...

Your summer stitching looks great and I love all the finishes!
I haven't done any of the chalk series, yours look fantastic.

Frances said...

Look at all the stitching you have done! They are all lovely and the colors are beautiful!

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Wow - lots of progress! Look forward to seeing them done!

Susana Laurencia said...

Hi my love!

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing the nice post!


Anonymous said...

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