This is trick or treat fairy, almost done. I have been hesitating on doing the moon/spiderwebs because I bought the wrong color Krienik, and I can't find it at either of my LNS so I will have to order it which means it won't be done in time for Halloween. The thread I did buy is probably close enough, but if I use it am I going to notice it's wrong every time I look at it? So I am undecided...sigh!

This is the Lizzie Kate "Bless our Home". I finished it this week, it was a cute older one I have been wanting to do for a while. Sorry the picture is so blurry I was using the camera on my cell phone.

Another cell phone pic, sorry. This is another quickee I stitched up this week. It is from Brook's Books spooky little critters I think. Your supposed to stitch it on perforated paper but I HATE stitching on paper I always tear it. Also I don't like to see the back of my stitching (not that it's not perfectly neat it's just never neat enough for me)

This is us carving pumkins tonight. My seven year old worked on hers for two hours!!1 This is the first year I let her carve her own pumpkin, and she did good she still has all her fingers and no stitches needed! Her pumpkin was huge too, at least two feet tall. I made her gut the inside all by herself.

These two are my youngest hard at work on her pumpkin, with much help from mom.

And the next is of me gutting my own pumpkin. For some reason the goop inside makes my hands itch like crazy the next day. I wonder if i'm allergic (but I can eat pumpkin pie by the pound!)We had such a fun week. Tuesday we went to a local pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins. Last night we went to the state fair, where I got my fix of indian fry bread (west coast version of funnel cake but wayyy better!) I even rode a few of the roller coasters with my oldest. And tonight we carved our jack o'lanterns. Fall is most definitely my favorite time of year. Hope everyone out there is ready for Halloween. I just went and bought my candy today, now if I can only make it last until Sunday.