I didn't really work on the Autumn x-stitch this weekend, I was trying to finish my Pink exchange piece. I'd rather make sure I have it done early than be frantically stitching at the last minute. I also finished a piece, I was inspired by Sharlotte's Blog-the happy needle to start Bent Creek's Owl on an Egg, it's been in my waiting to start pile for a while now. I kind of made it up as I went along though, instead of an egg I turned it into a pumpkin, and changed most of the colors for what I had in my sewing box already. I also started a Prairie Schooler ornament, using glow in the dark thread He's not done yet I still have some bones to fill in. Hopefully my exchange piece and both ornaments will be done this week. I started decorating my house this week for Halloween so the ornaments will fit right in!