I escaped yesterday to my local quilt store and found this frog-tastic new quilt. I just had to put together one block last night, it was to cute to wait. The design shows 3 frogs made out of each fabric, but there are two many different batiks that would look great as a frog so I will be making all of my frogs out of different fabrics. Also the design says to paint the eyes on with fabric paint, but I am thinking I will try and find some cute tortoiseshell buttons for the eyes. Anyways very excited to have yet another new project in the works. I am still working frantically now to finish "special delivery" as my goal was to have it done by the end of June. Did I mention I had also picked up 3 new cross stitch charts. I need to wear a sign around my neck that says please don't sell me any new charts when I go into my local needlework shops.