Ha, I couldn't think of a good title, and we have been watching all of our favorite Halloween movies this month- do you remember which one this is from?
Halloween is fast approaching, and I have been trying to catch up on my Halloween finishing to no avail! Christina of Whilst Iris Naps and I did a Halloween exchange this year. Below is what she sent me, and her finishing is as usual gorgeous. The linen is a light dusty purple, and the ruched black trim edging is just awesome. Do you see the little purple spider button at the very top too?
And here are all the extra goodies she sent me. Three Crescent Colors threads in some beautiful oranges, a cute little pair of orange scissors, a drawn thread chart, and the fabric in the back the skulls are actually glittery (you can't see it in my photo).
And here is what I sent off. I made a project bag using Vonna's tutorial on Youtube. I have made two of these now for myself, and like using them much more than the gallon ziploc bags I was using before. The little pumpkin pins were from Target, a Lizzie Kate Halloween pattern, a pair of scissors with cute pumpkins on them, and my stitched piece. My stitched piece was another LK pattern, and I edged the little pillow and made the hangar out of some black chain I found at Hobby Lobby. I thought it was unique for a Halloween finish.
So October is always a busy month for us. I think I decorate more for Halloween than I maybe do for Christmas! Also the AZ state fair comes to town, and while I normally try and enter a stitched piece this year I did not have anything framed and worthy of going. So I'll show you everyone else's lovely work. Below is an Ink Circles design "Cirque Des Cercles". I have seen this before, but stitched on that dark linen with the beautiful variegated gold it is just breathtaking.

I don't know the name of the following stitches, but enjoyed seeing the variety of what everyone is stitching. I think it is good for the public to see too, that cross stitching has all these beautiful different styles and is not just a grandmothers hobby.

I am hoping to get one more post in pre-Halloween, I have lots more to show before having to put it all away for next year. I had a discussion with my husband that some people start Christmas decorating at the beginning of November, so why couldn't we just leave our Halloween decorations up until the end of November? He shook his head, but seemed to understand my love of all things spooky.