I started two new projects this week. Both of which I am having mixed feelings about. This is the first one, Blackbird Designs "Midnight Watch". I have loved this design for a while now, and can never resist Halloween stuff anyways. But my LNS did not have the right color thread for the moon. It called for Crescent Colors "Gingersnap" and instead I am using Weeks "Baby's Breath". I think it is a little more pink than it should be, and am starting to wonder if I should rip it all out and start over. Also the linen I am using is obviously blue instead of the khaki color the chart was stitched on. I think the blue is making my moon look even more pink. What do you think? Does anyone else have a go-to pretty color they use for moons? I actually have two other projects right now with moons in them (LK "Halloween Rules" and BC "Halloween House" and I have yet to find a white I really like.
And this is what has kept me so busy the last two weeks. End of school, and graduations, and getting ready for summer vacation. My littlest one graduated from preschool and will be going on to kindergarten next year. Also my oldest is switching schools next year, and it just seems like a lot of changes for our family. Good changes, but I will miss both of their previous schools. During preschool graduation they were talking about how she would be in the class of 2025, and wow that seems so far away and also way too soon.