This is my own little random number generator, home sick from preschool with a tummy ache brought on by too much Valentine's Day candy I think. So I wrote everybody's name down on slips of paper and let her pull one out. Linda you are my Valentine's Day winner (picked two days late of course, when am I ever on time...sigh someday) Also someday I fully plan to wear makeup to go grocery shopping instead of baseball caps and jeans, and also to have a clean backseat in my car with no crumbs/snacks/toys/or crayons stuffed in the cracks. Someday. Anyways congratulations Linda! Email me with your address and I will try and get it in the mail by this weekend.

And this is a WIP that was pulled from the depths of my sewing baskets. I have about three different 5 qt tubs filled with WIP. But this is a more recent one that I started last year and didn't get done in time. So this year I have added it back in to my rotation (I say rotation like there is some kind of planning going on, HA!). I didn't really decorate too much for Valentines Day (such a short holiday time) so for spring I want to go all out. Bunnies and Chicks and Lambs, oh my! I'm sure sweet boyfriend is reading this and wondering how much pastel one guy can handle.This one is Lizzie Kate's "Spring Alphabet". I like the colors and design of it, but for some reason it is a pain to stitch. Probably just because of all the thread changes (10 stitches of one color and then 10 stitches of another and so on and so on.) So far not a fun stitch, but one of those I know I will love once it's done. I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day spent with everyone you love (and love's you!)